Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Once I had a rosebush...

Here you can just see its leggy tendril (up in the right hand corner of the photo), reaching out behind the little kids... the roses smelled lovely, greeting you warmly as you walked up the path to our front door. Sadly, this is apparently not what buyers are looking for, by way of a welcome...

to repeat:

Once I had a rosebush...

and now I have none.

Instead, just a stump - just the kind of yard project Ray LOVES. I'm not kidding. For $20, he'll come to your house and dig up YOUR stumps (let me be clear, this is not necessarily a great economical or labor deal for Ray. Yet still he seeks out these opportunities.)

1 comment:

Wendy & Jil - The Original Agreeable Sisters said...

I don't know how to reply to your reply so I am just replying here. I did pick pink on purpose. Think about it - 4 girls (me included) - gotta have the pink.

How sad about the rose bush. But plant a new one in Maine and it can be a rose by another name.